Price: £450.00 (Ex vat) £540.00 Including VAT at 20%
( inc. VAT at 20%) Application: Almost any diesel engine with the use of the correct adaptor to suit.
Description: Motometer brand cylinder compression tester for diesel engines. Reads to maximum pressure of 40bar. Needs appropriate adaptor to suit engine, there are no adaptors supplied with this tool. (Kit LRT-12-189 includes adaptors for 200TDi, 300TDi, L series, BMW diesels and VM diesels.)
Approximate dimensions of case: 23cm(9") x 21cm(8.3") x 8cm(3.1")
Alternative tool number: 303-983
NB we only have the one in stock at this price, further sales will revert to full price of £608.71(as at January 2025)