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Sump Alignment Blocks

Sump Alignment Blocks
Sump Alignment Blocks - view 1Sump Alignment Blocks - view 2
Price: £75.64 (Ex vat)

£90.77 Including VAT at 20%

( inc. VAT at 20%)

SKU: LRT-12-183

Application: Rover V8 from model year 1995 onwards as fitted to Defender, Discovery 1 and Range Rover 38A.

Description: Blocks and set screws to allow correct alignment of sump to cylinder block.

Approximate dimensions: Block 1- 55mm(2.2") x 25mm(1") x 6mm(0.25"), block 2- 61mm(2.4") x 25mm(1") x 6mm(0.25"), 2x set screws 3/8UNX x 1"(25mm)

Alternative tool number: 303-981.